Monday, November 14, 2011

I just need to talk

Ever had those moments where you just needed to talk to someone but you didn't know what to day or who to talk to? I have been having a lot of those moments lately. That tends to happen when your boyfriend breaks up with you because he doesn't feel the same way anymore after 7 months of dating, your roommates are driving you crazy, and a new boy is acting like he just came out a movie and it would be so easy to just fall for him. Did I mention I am trying to become a Math teacher for kids? Yup I want to change peoples perspective about math and change the world and all that jazz.

I know my life sounds like some horrible reality TV show or cheesy movie at the moment but I swear its normally really boring and nothing every happens. Usually its math, more math, date with the boyfriend, math, math, watch some TV, oh and more math. Until about a month ago when everything changed. My boyfriend of 7 months decided to take me out on a date after we had been fighting for a while and I though this was this wonderful sign that everything was going to get better. (Did i mention it was two days after our monthaversary and on my brothers birthday?) He took me on a date and then broke up with me? I still can't believe he did it because he barely had the guys to hold my hand before we went on our first date. Something changed in him and I really don't like the person he became now that he is no longer with me because the guy that like me could barely go a few hours without talking to me let alone a whole fucking month. Sorry on the cursing I am trying to cut back.

Any ways a little while later I noticed one of my friends liked me and I called him out on him because I am the one with the balls in my group of friends. I could care less what people think about me even though I secretly pray that they don't hate me. Since then we have been dancing around the idea of possibly dating. Everyone either does one of three things.

1) Tells me to go for it
2) Tells me to wait a little while longer, its too soon
3) COMPLETELY ignores the situation

Most of my friends fall in one of the first 2 options but my roommates of all people have decided to go with the third choice. They have been ignoring it all together. Which I am totally okay with because every time I am happy my roommates are depressed which drives me up the wall. I am not allowed to be in a happy relationship or get a guy to flirt with me because it upsets my roommates. If you think about it, its complete bull shit that I have to work my love life and happiness around their life. I am constantly adjusting my own life around theirs and when I step back and say hmmmm I don't want to do that anymore, they flip out on me and have a bitchy depressed fit.

Thanks for listening who ever you are. I can begin to give you better background stories on each of those little stories as time goes on, or Ill just continue to vent at the empty abyss that is the Internet.

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